Okay so today I've spent the whole day working on the script.
I want the opening to be like the opening of an always sunny in
Philadelphia episode; in particular, Mac is a seral killer. It
begins with Charlie and Dennis arguing over if Charlie could make
it as a lawyer or not. Frank interrupts by saying that there’s a
serial killer about (expository dialogue to set up the plot). This
causes Charlie and Dennis to drop what they were doing to insult
Dee on how a serial killer wouldn’t want to kill her setting up
the motivations of the characters later in the episode. The Mac
walks in acting strange and Frank deduces that he’s a serial
killer all while establishing Mac as having an uncomfortable
secret that he’s keeping at night.
So, I've made the 2 main characters interrupt each other tonnes
while trying to subtly introduce the ideas that there not happy
with the drink and chairs they have and that there completely
obsessed with having slightly better things. I changed the script
3 times to introduce all these plot points semi naturally all
while having dialogue that i think is funny and entertaining and
characterises the main characters as completely unlikeable.
I also took in LocalScriptMan’s advice from his YouTube videos by
making the characters being doing actions as they talk to make the
scene much more engaging.
I then made the presentation of my website better by working how
to use the hover state in TeleportHQ so now when the mouse hovers
over certain things the colour changes allowing the user to know
it will do something if you click it.