
I am making a short film for my final major project at college.

To document the process of making it, I've started a blog!

I came up with 4 different ideas over the past year or so.

The first one I call a Savy Deal.

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Paul has done something very bad. An immoral crime: murder, fraud, hell even... TAX EVASION. The result of this crime is that everyone in his town won't give him a job or talk to him, and his life has been significantly impacted despite the police never connecting any evidence to him.

A letter come's through his door. Not another eviction notices or bill he hasn't paid, but a letter asking Paul if he would like to work at a brand-new pirate themed bar downtown.

Now Paul loves pirates, they were a huge part of his childhood, reading treasure island and loving pirates of the Caribbean, and the letter talks of benefits like a free pint at the end of each shift. How on earth could he ever say no?

When he gets to the job he's met by the eccentric "Boss". Boss is dressed in full pirate attire at all times, talks with a pirate voice, I'm imagining Barbossa from Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean.

The building is littered with the things from Paul's childhood that he absolutely adored. Franchises, toys and memorabilia. This place was designed for Paul.

As the short film progresses, we learn, through Paul talking to other colleges and customers, the jist of what kind of crime Paul committed. The Boss also becomes a face Paul can trust through talking at the end of each shift over a free pint.

Police then suddenly connect evidence between the crime and Paul. This sends Paul spiraling into a mess. He goes to the Boss, his only friend of recent. The Boss here's him out and they have a heart to heart over a pint. At the end the Boss says "I'll tell ye what. Stay working for I and you'll have a job for as long as ye live, and all of this will go away! What do'ya say?". The Boss holds out his hand to Paul. Of course, Paul shakes it and as he does so. The Boss's flesh falls off his hand and half his face, green fire radiates from his eyes and horns grow from his head. The Boss cackles "Too bad you won't be working here!". The ground opens beneath them, and the building disappears.

The second idea is a little something I like to call Detective dead.

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What's the main issue with most 'Who done it mystery stories'?

Well, I'll tell ya! When the detective main character proves themselves as an amazing deducer and starts to solve the mystery by finding clues, the killer doesn't just immediately kill the detective character.

This idea started with me wanting to make a Doctor Who episode. My detective character being a stand in for the doctor but when seeking advice form freinds on how i should write the script and where the story should go one of them said to kill of the dectitive charecter as that just makes sense.

The plot of this is that the detective character gets immediately abducted by aliens upon leaving the house in the morning via a big blue beam. Then we our introduced to the main cast. The detective and 3 other characters are in a large sci fi room. One is obsessed with serial killers, one is a conspiracy theorist and the other is a scientist.

The Dectetive has back and fourth with the scientist as the decttetive works out there on a UFO and have been abducted by aliens while the scientist refuses to belive it while the other 2 serve as comic relief.

Then a door opens and they meet more people who are in the exact same situation, red flashing lights, terblurance and when everything goes back to normal, they realise someone has died. Blaim goes around focussing on there captures while the dectetive deduces that it must be one of the people in this now large room.

A black out occurs and the dectetive is killed. The people meet the alien cpatures studying them through glass. The genre changes to a slasher as more people get picked off and the serial killer obsessed comic relief realises that the aliens abducted a serial and there’s no escape. Everyone gets picked off one by one and the short ends with the aliens dropping off the serial killer outside a police station and filing a report and giving the police a bag of dead bodies.

Post apocolyptic bike wars

Post apoloclypyic world where all oil, gasoline and fossil fuels have gone, solar pannel technology and renewables have regressed and most animals have died including hoarses. For transport everyone is on bicycles and the local area is divided up by factions based on their bikes of choice:

Mountain bikes: Stoic and meditative. Living off the land anyway they can. Spiritual and buold towns for people to live in. Communist.

Unicycles: BARBARRICK TRIBVAL RAIDERS. Masked and rugged clothes acompinuied by machine guns, fire and evil. Take what they can, GIVE NOTHING BACK!

Road bikers: No mads and couriers. They brave the roads so you don’t h

Electric bikers: SLavers. To generate electricity for theyre bikes they have people walk treadmills and hvae batteries hooked up to manual labour. They are the wealthy and the powerful, leaders of advanced technologies and whatever big industry is left.

Thgere’s a plefera of buisnessses and services in this land too.

Okay so i basically came up with this world and then a made a simple story to pull you througgh.

Remember to talk about starting the pitch and document the process of making the logo for it.